Translators are not only your English-Spanish Conversion but also your cultural guide for your visit. They will teach you about Cuban culture, history and lifestyle. They are your guide to all things Cuban and will be your primary Cuban contact for your trip. Enjoy their company and ask questions-share your culture and enjoy theirs. We interact with our translators as equal team members and consider them the Cuba proton of our team. As we arrive in Cuba, our team size doubles when we meet our translator who will work with us for the entire week. Chat up the other translators working with your group and enjoy the company of your foreign brothers and sisters. Even if you speak perfect Spanish, you will have a translator to act as your Cuban guide. Follow their lead and abide by their instructions.
Translator Spirit
1 Corinthians 6:3 We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited. 4 Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; 5 in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger; 6 in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; 7 in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; 8 through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; 9 known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; 10 sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.11 We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you.12 We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. 13 As a fair exchange—I speak as to my children—open wide your hearts also. (NIV)
Translator Gift
Our mission participants typically give a small gift to the person who has guided their trip and spent the week translating. Items might include lightweight shirts, hygiene items, christian books or music, makeup items, perfume, or items that might seem helpful or useful.