Control. Most peoples favorite thing to obtain, hold or manage. Disagree? Look at a few examples: politics - all about whose got control, teenage independence - fight for control, money - subtle control through the coercion of cash, power - the ultimate control. Crazy thing is that often on the mission field we also fight for control. In the West, we try and control things in a distant place. We don’t mean too. We just can’t help ourselves unless we intentionally fight our human nature. We Americans probably have the biggest hitch in the control department. We try and control things without asking questions of our foreign hosts. We mean well, we try hard, we just forget that more money ain’t more smarter. Bigger houses do not lead to bigger ideas. Faster cars don’t make us more patient once we get there, wherever there is. Often, typically and most likely, we need to take a deep breath and give up a little control — In the mission field, in our life and in our walk. What a great relief to walk into a foreign country and ask them what we should do there, in their home country, province or church.
We are better people when we give up a little control. Your not really in control anyway, you know that’s true, but we just can help but reach for it anyway. Get your spouse to do it your way. Manipulate the kids to make your decision not theirs. Get a teacher to change a grade. Get a coach to pick my kid not yours. Unfortunately, I do all of these things from time to time.
Cuba. Cuba is awesome. I am definitely not in control. Little or no cell phone. No internet. Don’t speak Spanish (I know, crazy right—no Spanish). Barely know where we are going day to day. But God knows. My friends know. I give up control, they take over. Wanna make a friend? Give them the control. Wanna change the world? Go do something where your not in charge. Let Go.
May God go with you…
Dr. Rick