Peace Unplugged

“Cells phones off” used to be a thing when you traveled to remote locations. Not so much anymore. I miss it really— the “gift of being unplugged”. We all banter with our children and teenagers about setting down the phone and actually talking to humans, face to face and knee to knee like days past. Ahh, but cell phone service is available almost everywhere now. WWJD. I doubt He’d text me. I think He would walk down the street, chat with the neighbors, visit the widow or get acquainted with someone new. I don’t usually get the service turned on in a far away place. Kinda defeats the point. A time away, a little peace for reflection and a short break from the control I typically require in my life. Control—that what it all comes down to. A little peace or the fantasy of control, your choice. Ideally, we give up control but the irony is that we never had it much anyway. Control seems like its ours until we get wacked and realize we don’t own the controller. What a deal we get to make, give up control that you don’t really have and trade it for peace that we can have if we trade in “control”. I still don’t like it much though, ‘cause like you, I like to hold the wheel. Little bitty kids have a steering wheel on their little cars and they think they’re driving! We all like to check in with the office, look at our stocks, check sports, tweet, tag, post, email and all the rest. All the while trying to steer our lives—like we’re actually in control. Planning, sure. God honors plans. Most of the rest can wait for a few days. We probably won’t put down our phones at home but maybe while we’re far away we could take a few minutes or a few days and see what God has for us in the moment with those crazy humans who we came to meet and to share a little piece of life together. Peace is a little slower than gmail but I think I’ll try and wait; I could use a little more peace.

Peace of Christ

Dr. Rick